Top 25 things to do on a snow day

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While we may not have seen much of it yet in the Midwest, a lot of our friends across the country are experiencing greater-than-normal chilly days and buckets of snow!

Here’s a list of the top things to keep kids entertained straight from our CityMoms.

(Bonus: We included a section for just you, mama, because after you’re done being queen-of-snow-day-entertainment, you’ll no doubt also need some me time.)

three moms smiling on a snowy day - thecitymoms

Top 25 things to do on a snow day with the kids:

  1. “Sledding is always my favorite.” - Sarah H.

  2. “Try Cosmic Kids Yoga.” - Stacey S. (Best part: They offer a free 2-week trial on the website.)

  3. “Create an indoor obstacle course!” - Katy W.

  4. “We love indoor obstacle courses too and add couch cushions, and a blanket stretched on chairs to climb under.” - Jeanine B.

  5. “Movie with blankets and stove-popped popcorn or other treats.” - Joli H.

  6. “Bring the snow inside into a big bin and let them roll cars or other toys around in it.” - Sarah H.

  7. Pop into the kitchen: “Lots of hot chocolate, baking cookies or cinnamon rolls.” - Stacey R.

  8. “Bring the snow inside and put it in a plastic tub for them to paint with food dye.” - Hannah K.

  9. “Blanket forts or putting up a small tent inside.” - Kendra S.

  10. “We bundle them up and let them have at it outside.” - Jessica B.

  11. “We make snow cream. It’s a big bowl of fresh, clean snow with sweetened condensed milk. I usually add a splash of vanilla and a sprinkle of salt. You mix the two together until it looks like ice cream. Super simple and my kid loves it.” - Victoria R.

  12. “Bring a roasting pan of snow inside after I force them outside to play.” - Jennifer W.

  13. Alllllll the board games - CityMoms noted Uno, Yahtzee, Charades, and Tenzi on their snow day list.

  14. “We recently tried Painting to Gogh, which my kid hated and melted down about, but others might love!” - Joli H.

  15. “Have an epic snowball fight with the neighbors.” - Britny M.

  16. “Roller skate in the house.” - Lee Ann R.

  17. “If we’re close to holidays like Valentine’s Day - make fun holiday-themed cards for grandparents/teachers.” - Lee Ann R.

  18. “If I can/remember, I also pick up a new Lego set.” - Victoria M.

  19. “Movie marathons.” - Victoria M.

  20. “I like to create fun movie lists for us to try - the last snow day, we watched a bunch of family-friendly 80s movies like Harry and the Hendersons and Honey I Shrunk The Kids.” - Jeanine B.

  21. “Watch Frozen and Frozen 2!” - Emily O.

  22. “Snowy walks, sledding, snow forts, shoveling….ALL the outdoors.” - Jessica R.

  23. “Build igloos.” - Britny M.

  24. “Mix food coloring and shaving cream together - let the kids ‘paint’ in the bathtub.” - Jeanine B.

a mom smiling in the snow - thecitymoms

Top 10 things to do on a snow day when you get time to yourself:

  1. Find a room, shut the door, and sneak in some solo time. You deserve it, mama.

  2. Scroll theCityMoms’ Instagram Reels feed. Guaranteed laughs!

  3. Peek your Spring wardrobe and purge the things you haven’t worn in over a year or no longer fit.

  4. Meditate for 5 minutes. We love the Calm app; Amazon Alexa is equipped with free meditations too.

  5. Catch up on your streaming. Have you watched Yellowstone or the latest season of Emily In Paris?

  6. Dig out all those masks, gel eye pads, bath bombs, and everything else you’ve had hiding in your drawers. Use them.

  7. Experiment with YouTube makeup tutorials.

  8. Infuse water for a refreshing drink - try cucumbers, mint, lemon, limes, or whatever you have at home.

  9. Listen to a podcast. Here’s a whole list of Indiana women with their own.

  10. If you haven’t already, join theCityMoms! It’s a low monthly fee and instant friends, support, and fun are a total win for you on snowy and non-snowy days.

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