Preteen skincare routines: Do they really need one?
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The other day, I asked my eleven-year-old twin daughters what they wanted for their upcoming birthday. I’m not sure what I expected them to say (Taylor Swift hoodie, maybe? Roblox gift card? Some kind of weird stuffed animal?), but here’s how it went down…
Me: So, I was thinking about your birthday coming up. Is there anything special you’d like this year?
Daughter 1: Oooh! I know! Skincare!
Daughter 2: Yeah, skincare!
Me: *pause* Uh…you want….skincare for your birthday?
Daughter 1 & 2: Yup.
Me: Do you even know what that is?
Daughter 1: [Insert pre-teen Oscar-worthy eye roll here] For your face, Mom.
Further questioning from me revealed that neither of them actually knew what the word “skincare” meant. They knew it involved your face (duh, mom), but not much else. They’d just heard all their friends at school talking about their nightly skincare routines and didn’t want to be left out.
I admit this boggled my mind quite a bit. When I was my daughters’ age, I barely washed my face. But most 11 and 12-year-olds nowadays have some kind of skincare routine? That’s a thing? According to my daughters, yes, it’s a thing. And once I started paying attention, I noticed a pretty shocking trend.
There are dozens of videos on social media of tween sharing their routines and the products they use. But here’s the thing: Half of the products these kids are using are products that are designed for adults, not preteens. Products like Vitamin C, exfoliating acids, and anti-aging serums.
Y'all, I about fell out of my chair when I watched one such preteen apply retinol to her young, dewy skin. A nine-year-old using RETINOL! What!?
As someone who is nearing a milestone birthday (RIP to my 30s), I’ve only recently started using retinol and other products for aging. But I’ve seen kids as young as seven using products designed for aging skin! I don’t know about you, but that’s concerning.
I have no idea why it’s suddenly trendy for Gen Z to have a more advanced skincare regimen than most adults (myself included!). But here’s what I do know: Preteens do not need a skincare routine–at least not like the ones that are going viral.
In fact, using too many products - especially those not designed for young skin - can have damaging effects and cause acne or other irritations.
In essence, they could be harming their skin more than they are helping it.
It’s great for preteens to learn early how important it is to take good care of your skin, but they certainly don’t need a skincare regimen designed for adults.
So, what SHOULD they be using?
Well, when it comes to skincare for preteens, all they really need are three things:
1. A gentle cleanser:
Look for a gentle, soap-free cleanser that will whisk away dirt and impurities without stripping their delicate skin of its natural oils.
2. A good moisturizer:
Hydration is so important! Find a lightweight, oil-free moisturizer that won't clog their pores or weigh them down.
Vanicream Daily Facial Moisturizer
CeraVe Daily Face and Body Moisturizing Lotion
3. Sunscreen:
Find a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30. Reinforce the habit of slathering on sunscreen generously, rain or shine, indoors or outdoors. Tip: Lots of facial moisturizers have SPF in them!
La Roche Posay Face Moisturizer with Sunscreen
Cetaphil Daily Facial Moisturizer with Sunscreen
Let’s be honest. Kids these days are a whole lot smarter than we were at their age. They’re drinking more water, communicating better, and taking an interest in their skin. (Unlike those of us who used baby oil to tan in the early 2000s, am I right?) But, they’re still young and still learning. It’s essential that we mamas remember and also teach our preteens that their skin is unique and sensitive. As they grow, they’ll develop their own skincare journey, but for now, let's keep it simple and effective.