This year at Carmel Clay Parks: What’s coming in 2023
If you’re local to central Indiana, you’ve likely noticed ongoing improvements to parks and playgrounds in Carmel. The impressive updates and additions are hard to miss. We can expect more for at least the next few years as Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation progresses in developing a new Master Plan. Read on to learn about what’s happening and how to get involved in the coming months.
Carmel Clay Parks & Recreation (CCPR) has been taking giant steps toward the goals in the 2020-2024 Master Plan. Among the main accomplishments? Aside from visible upgrades to nearly every park, Director and CEO Michael Klitzing identifies a few significant successes.
This year at Carmel Clay Parks: What’s coming in 2023?
Enhancing park access on the west side of Carmel, upgrading West Park, and purchasing 27 acres of land which the parks department will soon begin developing as the brand new Bear Creek Park. Visitors can check it out as the weather warms up and CCPR opens the temporary trails for weekend use during the early phases of development.
Embracing the White River Corridor by expanding park-owned sections along the river and making upgrades along the way. This includes improvements to River Heritage Park, a bridge connecting Hazel Landing Park to Heritage Park in Fishers, opportunities to expand the White River Greenway in partnership with Conner Prairie, and the recent donation of nearly 63 acres of land to become the Thomas Marcuccilli Nature Park. Each project supports the CCPR goal of increased nature education opportunities along the White River.
Embracing nature every step of the way, whether through financial investments into environmental stewardship programs, development of volunteer opportunities where community members can partner with CCPR in caring for the parks, programming like the "My Park" series, integration of educational signage, or engagement of students in nature-based learning activities through after school enrichment and summer camp programs.
“Something that we strive to do is make sure every park feels different and has its own identity. If you want to have a different experience every day, you can. It truly is an adventure.” Michael Klitzing, CCPR Director and CEO
Photo courtesy of Carmel Clay Parks
Another notable accomplishment was the recent procurement of a Regional Economic Acceleration & Development Initiative (READI) grant for $4 million. This award will allow CCPR to extend the White River Greenway to almost four miles, nearly double its current length. Plans are for an immersive, naturalized section of trail, including a river overlook with an opportunity to view wildlife while looking across toward Conner Prairie.
Perhaps most exciting is the clear need to expedite development of the next Master Plan. Efforts to reach the 2020-2024 Master Plan goals have been so successful that Michael and his team at CCPR are moving forward with creating a new plan to begin in early 2024. In addition to all that has already been accomplished, it's also become clear that a lot has changed since data collection drove the current plan.
Michael explains, “When there was very little that could be done in the early days of the pandemic, people really discovered or re-discovered the outdoors.” The time is right to consider how this factors into CCPR’s vision for the next five years.
The heart behind it all? Michael cites the opportunity to enhance people’s lives and help families to create lasting memories as the motivation driving the development of Carmel’s parks. Those living in or near Carmel are privileged to live right next to the White River. Michael and the CCPR team strive to help others see and appreciate the value of this national resource–a “hidden gem” that they wish to make less hidden!
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What can we expect to see over the next five years? Michael shares a few things that are likely on the horizon:
Ongoing expansion of trail networks
Continuing efforts along the White River
The opening of Bear Creek Park
Acquisition of new land
Most importantly, CCPR wants to hear from the public and will soon be seeking community input as development of the next Master Plan gets underway.
Keep a close eye on the Carmel Clay Parks and Recreation website and social media (here and here) for opportunities over the next several months to influence future upgrades to Carmel’s parks. We feel so lucky to have access to a parks system with so much to offer, and we can’t wait to see what’s coming!