Here's what helps ME during social distancing
I’ve been turning different ideas over and over in my head, not really know what to say to the other moms, dads, caregivers, who might read this in the coming weeks. What can I say to make your nerves or fears calm? What special power do I have? Then I remember the quote from Fred Rogers “When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” So that is what we are going to do together.
I, admittedly, spend WAY too much time on social media – then again, it is part of my job. The great thing that social media can bring to us right now is resources. There are so many businesses here and around the world that are offering services for free that they normally charge for. Local moms, who homeschool or who are teachers, creating lessons plans + schedules for those of us who do not have a clue where to start. So where are all of these amazing resources?
Here's what's been helping me during social distancing so far:
This is a FREE service found on YouTube that combines a yoga practice appropriate for kids (my 4 year-old son has been loving it!) and the story of one of their favorite books or movies. We recently did one, that I shared in the members only page, that was the story of Frozen! My son was able to get some exercise, learn some new moves, and give me 20 minutes of down time.
The Children’s Museum of Indianapolis
This awesome group of educators, researchers, and scientists will not be resting even though they are closed. There are virtual science experiments, story time with the museum Preschool teachers, Live Facebook chats with their experts, and so much more! I know these will all be so helpful in the times where our kids miss the connection to their “normal” lives. Giving them a glimpse into a place that is familiar will do everyone some good.
I know this one might seem a bit random but think about it – what is better than a way to get groceries you need while keeping up social distancing AND supporting our local farmers and their families? I have put in my order for the week, and you can too! Order all the bread, eggs, meat, produce, and local goodies {do I spy some aahaa chai??} and have them delivered, zero contact, to your home. I personally love all of the breads and treats from Symphony of Oils! CityMoms, did you spot the 10% off perk Market Wagon has provided for our members to help out with grocery shopping?
Food Network + Chef Michael Symon
Ever wanted a personal cooking lesson live from a Food Network chef? Now is your chance! Chef Michael Symon has teamed up with the Food Network kitchens and will be hosting LIVE cooking classes/demos for 10 days of dinners on the Food Network's Facebook page. One of our own CityMoms, Kira, credits chef Symons cooking lessons with her ability to now make her favorite brown butter sauce! Just because we are stuck close to the house, doesn’t mean we cannot still have some fun.
Like-minded moms, aka theCityMoms
Let’s face it – no matter how much we all love our families and significant others; we all need time with friends and other loved ones in order to not feel socially isolated. While I personally am not willing to head out to a local establishment to hang out in person, I am always down to host a virtual mom meet up! So, text 2, 3, or 13 of your favorite people and set up a time to hop on a Zoom call & hang out. My tip? Set a conversation topic ahead of time, like what you’re bingeing on Netflix, so that everyone can keep it light. And CityMoms, don’t forget about our daily 4 pm Zoom chat. It’s just a few minutes of girl talk to escape and reconnect. Trust me, you'll log off feeling lighter!
what helps social distancing - theCityMoms
Are any of these options perfect? No, of course not. In a perfect world, we wouldn’t be throwing around the word Pandemic. For now, though, this is our new normal. So, look for the helpers – those that will send you funny memes to keep your anxiety at bay, those that will hang out on facetime with your kids so you can have 20 minutes of peace, and those that know we can all get through this by supporting and helping each other one hour at a time. And let me know, what’s been helping you get through this difficult time?