5 Easy non-candy Halloween treats

DISCLAIMER: Hey reader! Please know Goldfish Swim School is a valued partner of theCityMoms. Because of this relationship, we occasionally share sponsored content we feel could be valuable or interesting for your family - this month we're doing a different take on this by chatting about non candy Halloween treats. How is this relevant to Goldfish? Read on, reader!

Look, I don't know about you but my house turns into a funland of candy, chocolate and nougat at Halloween. If it isn't candy I've purchased for neighborhood trick or treaters, it's the onslaught of sweets we amass from class parties and everything else under the sun Halloween.

Maybe it's with heightened awareness for the Teal Pumpkin Project - a national campaign dedicated to raising awareness of food allergies and promoting non candy Halloween treats - or maybe it's a nod toward my own family's desire to eat healthier. This Halloween though, we're looking at what non candy treats we can offer not only to trick or treaters, but also at theCityMoms booth during the great Fishers Boo Bash event on Friday, 10/26.

Here's a list of 5 easy non candy Halloween treats:

1. Temporary tattoos

My kids are bananas for these things and if mine give them the a-ok, I know others will too. Besides candy gets eaten and is gone forever. Temporary tattoos have at least a 1-2 day lifespan. Or until your next swim lesson.

2. Passes for local fun

Here's where spots like Goldfish Swim School come in - did you know during Halloween/holiday seasons, Goldfish offers student families the opportunity to snag FREE family swim coupons for handout? Totally true story. At theCityMoms we've taken advantage by giving these away at family fairs and other public events. All you have to do is ask the front desk at your next swim lesson for a stack and voila! Gift trick or treaters with a fun experience their whole fam can enjoy together.{Not a Goldfish family? Let's brainstorm: Do you take music classes somewhere? Gymnastics? Participate in another kid-centric program? Ask their Program Director for free class passes to hand out in lieu of trick or treat candy!}

3. Glow sticks

Girl. Hand a kid a glowstick any day of the week and it's hours of entertainment. Plus they're crazy cheap! In fact we bought these in bulk for last spring's theCityMoms "Let's Glow Crazy" pool party at Goldfish Swim School and they were a massive hit.

4. Books

I know, I know. Books can be expensive to purchase brand new. Instead of breaking the bank on new paperbacks, stock up on inexpensive kid books at stops like Goodwill, Half Price Books or a local rummage sale. Even better: Create a Halloween-themed bookshelf on your porch for trick or treaters to choose their own reads from.

5. Pencils, erasers or other fun supplies

No tricks at your door over these treats - again I'm drawing from experience of my own kids here but there's something so alluring about a brand new, unsharpened pencil or themed eraser. I've seen these floating around the Bullseye Playground at Target and multiple dollar stores. We purchased these in bulk from Oriental Trading for theCityMoms handouts so we didn't deplete store stock though.What are YOUR favorite non candy Halloween handouts? Hit us up on Twitter at @theCityMoms and let us know!

MORE INFO: Goldfish Swim School is a premier learn-to-swim facility dedicated entirely to infants and children, ages four months to 12 years. They have two locations in the greater Indianapolis area: 271 Merchants Square Drive in Carmel and 11581 Geist Pavilion Drive in Fishers. Lessons are offered in a child-friendly environment on a family-friendly schedule. Visit goldfishswimschool.com or call {317} 810.0790 for additional details.

Jeanine Bobenmoyer

Jeanine is a mom of teens, yoga-addict, Michigan native, and avid reader. Her dream vacation includes her family and national parks. Jeanine is a veteran of the advertising industry and a former editor.

As theCityMoms’ Chief Executive Officer, she oversees our brand strategy and business operations, and regularly represents theCityMoms via TV, livestream, and other appearances with our media partners. Connect with Jeanine on Instagram and LinkedIn


I was a really good mom yesterday.


Can we talk about mom guilt for a sec?