Our favorite podcasts of 2018 {so far!}
favorite podcasts 2018 - theCityMoms
Silence is golden. But as a parent, I don’t get much of it. I dream of silence most days. I long for my kids to stop talking to me for just a few moments, and I’d love even more to not listen to their music when I’m driving to the grocery store.Raise your hand if you’ve accidentally listened to your kid’s music in the car long after they’ve been dropped off at school or daycare. *every parent in the universe slowly raises their hands* Dang it, why?? But then it happens: You get a moment of silence. The stars have aligned, someone fell asleep in their carseat, or you get to run an errand while everyone else stays home (hopefully with another adult, but we’re not here to judge).What do you do with yourself? What do you do with the blessed silence? If you’re like me, you soak it in for a few beats, then you turn on a podcast.
Do you listen to podcasts? Did you know they’re magical little radio shows in your phone you can use to re-energize, find encouragement, feel inspired, or just laugh with?I’m serious. Get thee to a podcast immediately, please. And if you need some help, our CityMoms members are sharing their starred motherhood and women-inspired podcasts to get you started.
Here are our Favorite Podcasts of 2018 {so far that is!}:
Call Your Girlfriend
A podcast for long-distance girlfriends everywhere. Aminatou and Ann discuss everything from politics to pop culture. It’s a thought-provoking, informative, and entertaining listen.
How I Built This
While not a podcast hosted by or for women exclusively, Guy Raz interviews lots of creatives, many who are women, who have built business, technology, or ideas that inspire us as listeners.
One CityMom recommended this podcast on women and writing. If you’ve ever felt the itch to write or want to learn more about the craft of writing, this one is for you.
Why Mommy Drinks
Comedians and moms Amanda Allan Clark and Betsy Stover each have three kids who drive them to drink on a regular basis. Each episode, they ask a special guest, "What broke you this week?" Listen in to have a good laugh and be reminded none of us know what we are doing.
Rise Podcast
The Rise Podcast is hosted by Rachel Hollis, a New York Times’ best-selling author, who wants to help women in business. {Hellooooo Girl, Wash Your Face lovers!} She delivers action steps in each episode and doesn’t shy away from a good butt-kicking every once in a while. You’ll leave feeling encouraged and inspired.
MORE FUN READS: The challenge of 'mom dating' and finding your tribe
The Alison Show
Similar to the Rise Podcast, The Alison Show is hosted by a leading business owner mom who shares honestly about her heart, her struggles, her successes, and her failures. Plus, if you follow her on Instagram, you know she’s always down for a good dance party.
Modern Love
Hosted by Meghna Chakrabarti and Daniel Jones, this NPR-affiliated podcast shares stories of love, loss, and redemption. If you’re drawn to a good story, this is a great podcast to subscribe to.
Keep It
Keep It is a show about pop culture, politics, and what happens when they smack into each other at alarming speed. If you’re a news junkie or love to talk current events, this weekly series will become a fast favorite.
The Goal Digger Podcast
Host Jenna Kutcher has built a multi-million dollar business, and she wants to tell you how she did it. Even if you’re not a wanna-be business mogul, her advice on social media, navigating the internet, and growing your ideas will resonate with you. Once you’re in deep with a podcast or two, you’ll easily find other suggestions come up on your podcast app or you’ll even hear the podcasters you’re loving refer to others you should check out. You’ll be a podcast-professional in no time, and then you can start getting others on board with how amazing listening to podcasts is. There is literally something for everyone. Tell us what podcasts you love to listen to below, we’re always on the search for new ones to add to the finally-got-a-little-bit-of-silence playlist.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Mary Graham is a freelance writer living just outside of Indianapolis, Indiana with her husband, two daughters, and crazy rescue dog, Blue. She writes about life, faith, and books at TrustyChucks.com.Mary also hosts the Not Terrible podcast with her high school friend Jess where they talk about hard life situations with hope and healing.Connect with Mary on her website, on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.